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About Libby Mukhi

Libby Mukhi (she/her) spent a decade working in the brand consulting space before making a "purpose-led pivot" to become a postpartum doula and perinatal mental health professional. After having children in both Australia and the US, she was struck by just how little support we receive, as Americans. She became particularly fascinated (and infuriated) by the inequities she saw when it comes to the division of household labor, and made a commitment to address the problem. 


After reading and implementing Fair Play into her own life, she became a believer, and was inspired to share the system with others. She received her certification through Eve Rodsky's Fair Play Method, and is grateful to be able to facilitate these conversations that lend to more equitable homes.  


Libby resides in Portland, OR with her family (both human and canine). When she's not out supporting families, you can find her cooking, hiking, and searching for the world's best pizza. 

Fair Play Certification
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